Our mission is to provide a platform to inspire, encourage, and spread knowledge about mental health wellness.

Thank You for
Your Generous Donation!
Mental illness is becoming more prevalent amongst minorities and young adults in today’s society. Studies show that 1/10 adults experience major depression and or anxiety each and every year.
The Pinkney Promise Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non profit that offers creative events, healing workshops and community engagement to bring awareness to mental health. Our mission is to provide a platform to inspire, encourage, and spread knowledge about mental health wellness within the African American Community.
In 2018, The Pinkney Promise Foundation has hosted several events at historically black colleges and universities bringing mental health awareness to 300+ young adults. Your generous donations will contribute to Mental Health Awareness, Healthy Coping, Spiritual Alignment and will fund the total cost for all events, workshops and production. Thank you!!